Getting ahead, staying efficient​

Mölnlycke OR Efficiency Partnership Programme

The vital role of OR efficiency has ​ never been higher in both the public consciousness or on the agenda of healthcare professionals.​

Pressure is at an all-time high ​ ​

The demand for elective surgeryis rising. Operating theatres are one of the most cost intensive areas of a hospital – costing on average $46 per minute.¹ Health care staff burnout and exhaustion is a world-wide concern​. All whilst trying
to manage:

  • Budget constraints
  • Infection control
  • Staff shortages
  • Sustainability goals

Furthermore, treating more patients to better care is the ultimate goal. However, increasing output requires a careful balancing act.

Balancing act
Efficiency is a key driver in the operating room. The trend to deliver more with less has been established over several years. OR efficiency, is more than increasing output:

  • Avoiding wasted resource

    Materials, energy, efforts, money ​and time ​

  • Ensuring product availability​

    The correct, high-quality products are available for every operation ​

  • A customised solution​

    Bespoke for the intervention in question​

Being inefficient can be costly

  • Lack of products and missed surgeries
  • A growing backlog of patients waiting for care
  • Repeat surgeries, if we don’t get it right first time
  • Further stress and burnout of clinical teams
  • Increased waste and unused products

What is the impact… on your patients? on your staff? on the planet? To solve the problem, collaboration is key.

How your ORefficiency partnership works

Mölnlycke ProcedurePak® is so much more than customisable, high quality procedure trays. It’s a long-term partnership that helps you find your flow, evidencing smarter and more efficient ways of working, adding value in the operating room and beyond.

The approach breaks down into three key phases:

1. Pre analysis

The critical first step in the process, taking stock gives you, in partnership with us, the opportunity to review processes within your hospital from the ground up.

2. Getting ahead

With a full understanding of your situation, Mölnlycke’s dedicated team will support hospitals to act on the findings and enhance existing ways of working.

3. Staying efficient

The third phase in the OR Efficiency Partnership is designed to support newly implemented ways of working and maintain efficiency through regular check-ins, reviews and updates.

1. Pre analysis

Mölnlycke will work alongside you to:

  • Review your current approach
  • Engage with stakeholders to capture and incorporate 
    insights and expertise
  • Understand your budgets and work with you to keep 
    costs controlled in the right places 
  • Define objectives, key performance indicators, goals
  • Provide a clear overview of your current situation and identify efficiency opportunities through our unique Value Report 
  • Apply expert advice, guidance and recommendations 
    for sustainability utilising our digital solutions
  • Formulate a tailored proposal and implementation plan

2. ​Getting ahead

Mölnlycke will work with you to do this​ through the following mechanics:

  • Provide quality, evidence-based products and solutions
  • Conduct regular engagement with stakeholders on progress updates, blockers and opportunities
  • Provide full implementation support, training and education
  • Provide you with access to the Molnlycke Portal to manage your trays, identify more sustainable products etc.

 Surgical drape

3. ​Staying efficient

Working across the following touchpoints:

  • Provide continued support and stakeholder engagement
  • Review performance against objectives through regular partnership reviews:
  1. Provide a clear overview of current situation and identify further efficiency opportunities through 
    our unique Value Report
  2. Review of expenditure and forecast
  3. Review of ongoing training and education needs
  4. Review of logistic options 
  • Facilitate sharing of best practice, alignment and collaboration with other hospitals

Get started today

Let’s eliminate non-value-added activities and make room for what matters. Reach out to our Mölnlycke representative today to learn what your hospital could gain from the Mölnlycke OR Efficiency Partnership programme and how to get started.

Contact us


  1. Smith et al. Cost of Operating Room Time. Journal of Orthopaedics Business. 2022; Vol 2, No 4