Board of Directors
Mölnlycke’s Board of Directors has the ultimate responsibility for the company and its operations. The Board of Directors consists of nine members, two employee representatives and one deputy, of whom seven members are independent from the owners.
Chairman of the board

Karl-Henrik Sundström
Chairman of the Board, elected 2022
(Board member since 2018)
Born: 1960
Nationality: Swedish
Education: Bachelor of Economics
Board assignments: Chairman of the Board of Boliden and the Climate Leadership Coalition. Board member of NXP Semiconductors, Vestas A/S and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation.
Professional experience and previous assignments: CEO of Stora Enso 2014–2019. Former leadership positions include, among others, CFO & Executive Vice President of Stora Enso, NXP Semiconductors and Ericsson.

Aashima Gupta
Board Member, elected 2023
Born: 1970
Nationality: American
Education: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Master of Science in Computer Science
Board assignments: Board member of Neogen, Member of the HIMSS NA and GRAIL Advisory Boards.
Professional experience and previous assignment: Currently holds the position as Global Director of Healthcare Industry Solutions at Google Cloud. Former executive leadership roles driving digital strategy for Kaiser Permanente, an integrated health system, and senior leadership roles in software development at J.P Morgan Chase and Fidelity.

Christian Cederholm
Board Member, elected 2020
Born: 1978
Nationality: Swedish
Education: Master of Science in Economics and Business Administration
Board assignments: Board member of Hi3G Scandinavia and SignUp Software.
Professional experience and previous assignments: CEO Investor AB. Joined Investor in 2001 and has held different positions, including Co-head of Patricia Industries 2017-2021, Head of Patricia Industries 2021 to 2024.

David Perez
Board Member, elected 2019
Born: 1959
Nationality: American
Education: Bachelor of Arts
Board assignments: Chairman of the Board of Advanced Instruments and Laborie. Board member of NeoGenomics, Book Trust and Nurse Family Partnership.
Professional experience and previous assignments: President and CEO of Terumo BCT (and its predecessor companies Cobe BCT, Gambro BCT and Caridian BCT) 1999–2019. Former board member of Terumo Corporation, Ortho Clinical Diagnostics and Sarnova. He serves on the United States Department of Health & Human Services Advisory Committee for Blood & Tissue Safety & Availability.

Jenny Ashman Haquinius
Deputy Board member, elected 2021
Born: 1986
Nationality: Swedish
Education: Master of Science in Finance
Board assignments: Board member of Vectura and Navigare Ventures.
Professional experience and previous assignments: Since 2015 an investment professional at Patricia Industries, part of Investor AB. Previous position at Corporate Finance department of Nordea Markets Investment Banking.

Johan Malmquist
Board Member, elected 2015
Born: 1961
Nationality: Swedish
Education: Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Board assignments: Chairman of the Board of Getinge and Arjo. Board member of Elekta, the Dunker Foundations, Stena Adactum, Trelleborg and Chalmers University of Technology Foundation.
Professional experience and previous assignments: President and CEO of Getinge 1997–2015. Previous leadership positions within Getinge and the Electrolux Group.

Kristina Willgård
Board Member, elected 2021
Born: 1965
Nationality: Swedish
Education: Bachelor of Economics
Board assignments: Board member of Addnode Group AB and Ernströmgruppen AB.
Professional experience and previous assignments: CEO of AddLife 2015-2022. Previous senior positions include CFO of Addtech and Finance Director at Ericsson.

Lars Axelsson
Employee representative, elected 2021
Born: 1961
Nationality: Swedish
Education: Master of Science in Engineering Physics, Masters of Business Administration
Board assignments: -
Professional experience and previous assignments: Project Manager, R&D, OR Solutions.

Leslie McDonnell
Board Member, elected 2023
Born: 1972
Nationality: American
Education: Masters of Business Administration, Bachelor of Science in Business.
Board assignments: Board member of Laborie Medical Technologies.
Professional experience and previous assignments: Previous executive leadership roles in MedTech at Medtronic, 3M Healthcare and Natus Medical. Most recently, President, CEO and Board Member of Iradimed Corporation.

Niclas Flach
Employee representative, elected 2021
Born: 1975
Nationality: Swedish
Education: Concept Design
Board assignments: -
Professional experience and previous assignments: Senior Concept Designer, R&D, Wound Care.

Sharon James
Board Member, elected 2018
Born: 1961
Nationality: British
Education: Doctor of Philosophy in Neurobiology
Board assignments: Board member of Novozymes
Professional experience and previous assignments: Senior advisor to Bain & Company. Former Research & Development leadership roles within Bayer Consumer Health, Reckitt Benckiser, PepsiCo and GlaxoSmithKline.

Zlatko Rihter
Board Member, elected 2020
Born: 1970
Nationality: Swedish
Education: Master of Science Mechanical Engineering
Professional experience and previous assignments: President and CEO of Mölnlycke. Former CEO of CellaVision, 2015-2020. Previous positions include EVP Global Sales & Marketing at Cooper Companies, President Chronic Dialysis and EMEA commercial at Gambro and VP Patient Handling Product Division at Arjo.